We've Got Answers


To make a investment you must first become a member of Arctic Mining. Once you are signed up, you can make your first deposit. All deposits must be made through the Members Area. You can login using the member username and password you receive when signup.
We accept Bitcoin, Ethereum, USDT (TRC20 and ERC20) and other crypto currencies.
Login to your account using your username and password and check the Withdraw section.
Our funds are managed by a team of experienced investment professionals who specialize in various asset classes and investment strategies. They are dedicated to conducting thorough research, monitoring market trends, and making informed decisions to optimize returns for our clients. Our managers adhere to strict risk management protocols and continuously strive to deliver superior results while minimizing downside risk.

According to our plan, the interest will be automatically credited to your balance once your plan expires from the moment of making a deposit.

Your account undergoes automatic real-time updates, ensuring information is refreshed within 24 hours. Access to your complete account history is available at your convenience.